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Transforming Care for People with Advanced Illness

"Living with advanced illness in America is painful, isolating and costly. Most people spend their last days alone in hospitals and nursing homes, often in pain, despite the availability of effective pain management.
The current system fails the public, health providers and society. That is why 'The Transformation Project: A New Initiative to Improve Advanced Illness Care' is creating a national consortium of leading organizations and individuals to work collaboratively on this issue. The goal is to produce a system that provides quality care consistent with the patient's goals and values.
In this edition of the Bioethics Channel host Lorell LaBoube visits with the co-directors of the initiative - Myra Christopher, president and CEO of the Center for Practical Bioethics, and Bill Novelli, Professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University."
  ==> To listen to the podcast click here!

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