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5th International Symposium of the Definition of Death

Dear collegues,
Since its foundation in 1996, the Definition of Death Network from the International Association of Bioethics (IAB), has maintained a fruitful discussion about all medical and ethical issues related to human death, end-of-life dilemmas, and consciousness disorders. We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the 5th International Symposium of the Definition of Death Network, organized by the International Association of Bioethics, to be held at the 'Plaza America Convention Center', in Varadero Beach, Cuba, on May 20-23, 2008.

"Since ancient times, man has pondered the mystery of his own death. It seemed that by knowing the meaning of his death, he would be prepared to understand the reason for his life. For ages, people considered life to exist as long as an individual was breathing. It was later realized that respiration was a means of maintaining the heart, which circulated the blood. The focus then turned to cardio-respiratory function. But, in the middle of this century, physicians became aware that the brain required much more energy than other organs and that, if its needs were not met, it would cease to function, while other parts of the body (requiring less energy) might preserve their activity provided that respiration was supported by intensive care. The result would be a dead brain in a viable body. French neurologists and neurophysiologists documented this at the end of the 1950s. Is such a patient alive or dead? More and more, brain death as death of the individual, was widely accepted.

Although some decades have passed, there are still worldwide controversies about a concept of human death on neurological grounds. There are also disagreements on the diagnostic criteria for brain death, whether clinical alone or clinical plus ancillary tests. Moreover, some scholars who were strong defenders of a brain-based standard of death are now favoring a circulatory-respiratory standard.

Moreover, the Terry Schiavo, and other famous cases, have raised new controversies about the diagnosis and management of the persistent vegetative, the minimally conscious state, etc. Hence, the disorders of consciousness discussions are actual and permanent subjects for debate in the media and scientific discussion in any forum. Our main goal is to provide a suitable scientific platform to discuss all topics related to human death, end-of-life dilemmas, and disorders of consciousness.
Cubans will sincerely offer you a warm hospitality. This small Caribbean Island, with the greenness of its countryside surrounded by an incredible blue sea, will provide the most proper venue to remember that when we discuss about death, we are defending that human beings should live and die with dignity.


Dr. Calixto Machado, MD, PhD
President of the Symposium

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